04 September 2008

Quotations from and Citations to the Text and Other Sources (updated 9 Sept. 2008)

All English-language quotations from the Discourses are reproduced from Dr. Harvey Mansfield and Dr. Nathan Tarcov’s excellent translation. English-language quotations from The Prince are reproduced from Dr. Mansfield’s equally excellent translation. At times the original text is quoted from Volumes One and Two of a compendium published in Italian.

As regards secondary sources, I harbor no pretensions that my work does not unknowingly duplicate the insights of others. I am a lawyer, not a professor of political science, and do not claim to have read the canon of Machiavelli scholarship other than a few notable works like Leo Strauss’ Thoughts on Machiavelli.

Thus, where I know that I am referencing ideas already put forth by others, I will acknowledge them as any responsible lawyer would. Any repetition of pre-existing ideas that are not cited is entirely accidental, resulting from my lack of background knowledge rather than from plagiaristic intent.

Updated (9 Sept. 2008): I have changed the reference to the original Italian source referenced here as the on-line version I was previously using seemed prone to errors.

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